Regenerative Farming and Holistic Management Courses

Regenerative FarmingThe Holistic Management and Business of Regenerative Farming course is for farmers and business owners interested in making change for a positive future.  Want to improve the productivity of your farm, improve your financial performance and improve the environment of your farm?  We step you through the process of making change in your farming business. 

Whether you want to regenerate and improve our land, produce great livestock and improve your profitability, our course has everything you need to get you started.

Partnering with nature to regenerate land to increase productivity and profitability, we help you with: 

  • Create a vision for your farm and learn about better decision making. 
  • Learn how to create your customised Holistic Grazing Plan and make it work regardless of the conditions.
  • Get a handle on the financial performance of your business and use a simple financial planning method to keep track.
  • Create an Ecological Monitoring program for your farm to measure your progress towards a regenerative future.
  • Create your action plan to implement what you learn step by step in your farm business. 

During the course you will work with Glen Chapman from Southern Blue Regenerative, an accredited educator with the Savory Institute and a regenerative farming practitioner with over 20 years of experience with regenerative business development, grazing management, holistic management, ecological land management  and farm business finance planning.  The course covers the principles of  Regenerative farming and  Holistic Management including grazing and environmental management, goal setting, sustainable living, holistic financial planning, and decision making.


The Business of Regenerative Farming course is delivered over a two month period with two three day residential components, online meetings, one on one video calls and peer group projects. This allows you to learn the new information, work with it on your own farm and business and work with a supportive group of farmers to help each other implement the learning.

Take Control

Access the tools and knowledge you need to take control of you land and your finances and deal with change everyday

Holistic Approach

Learn how to deal with the complexity of what we manage to help improve your farm’s productivity and success.

Learn From Others

Learn and work with like minded farmers supporting each other to apply the learning to your farm.

Practical Course

Take the information and implement what you’ve learnt to your business as the course progresses.


Next Course Expressions of Interest

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If you are interested please complete our expression of interest form and we will let you know as soon as we set these.


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This regenerative farming course will cover the following areas through out the program:

Introduction, Regenerative Farming, its origins, history and its success. The power of paradigms – how we think and change. Ecosystem function – how nature functions holistically, incorporating livestock as a tool for making change to our environment, diagnosing the root cause of problems, what is causing biodiversity loss. Improving productivity through sunlight capture. Increasing the effectiveness of our rainfall.

Introduction to Holistic financial planning, small business financial plan example, get to know your financial figures, what makes profit and how to focus your efforts.  You will analyse your enterprises and uncover the blockages holding back your financial performance.

Review ecosystem function and the tools, diagnosis of environmental problems. The change process – how people change. Personal profiling – what motivates you. Conventional decision making, Holistic Context formation and goal setting, discovering the testing matrix, testing decisions using a testing matrix, testing decisions – personal examples. Improving our time management.

Mastering the basics for Regenerative Holistic Grazing Planning, feed budgets and plant monitoring, paddock walk and practical feed budgeting, growing and non-growing season grazing plans, create your own personal grazing plan.

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01 Oct 2020 - 01 Dec 2020, All Day


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